Six Spotted Seals 六只小海豹

今天带来的英文绘本是Six Spotted Seals《六只小海豹》六只可爱的小海豹在沙滩酣睡,彼此伴着各自的美梦相互依偎着你喜欢它们吗?Six spotted seals snooze on the shore.六只小海豹在岸边小睡
One wakes up. 一只醒来了。
Five left to snore. 另外五只还在打鼾。Five spotted seals snort in their sleep.五只小海豹在睡梦中发出微微的鼾声。One slides away, leaving four on the beach.有一只海豹偷偷溜掉,留下另外四只在沙滩上。 Four spotted seals sleep by the sea. 四只小海豹就这样在海边沉睡。But One does a belly flop.一只小海豹笨拙地跃进海水里。
That leaves three. 留下三只小海豹继续呼呼睡着。
Three spotted seals dream and doze.三只小海豹在各自的梦乡沉睡。

One spots a fish.一只小海豹发现了一条鱼。Two cuddle close. 另外两只小海豹依偎在一起。
Two spotted seals napping side by side.并排沉睡着。
One goes splash into the tide.一只小海豹纵身迎向了潮流。
One spotted seal wakes with a yawn. 最后一只小海豹打着哈欠醒来了。Five seals bark.五个海豹在嬉戏。Six seals gone!六个海豹游向远方!


英语分级阅读:牛津阅读树第三级 By the Stream

《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社组织多位儿童阅读教育专家,经过二十多年不断研究及发展而出版的阅读教材。这是一套针对以英语为母语的学龄前 ... 英语分级阅读:牛津阅读树第三级 By the Stream
